
Even Algore rejected memo info...
Hat tips to Hugh Hewitt (Radio) & DRUDGE (his site)

Gore campaign rejected allegations similar to CBS report, former campaign chief says
- MATT KELLEY, Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, September 21, 2004

(09-21) 15:54 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --

Former Vice President Al Gore's presidential campaign heard but did not pursue allegations about George W. Bush's Air National Guard service, similar to the information in discredited documents aired by CBS News this month, a former campaign official said Tuesday.

Tony Coelho, who ran the campaign for several months in 2000, said he did not follow up on the claims because they were not serious enough to demand further attention.

How could they let themselves be snookered?

"Of everyone I talked to, no one had anything that rose to the level that we should get ourselves into," Coelho said.

. . . (snip rehash)

Coelho said he remembered taking phone calls in 2000 from several Texans with allegations about Bush's Guard service. He said he did not remember if any were from Burkett, a former Texas Army National Guard officer and longtime Bush critic.

" I Can't remember getting a call from Burkett, specifically" = I won't pile on Dan Rather

"I never felt there was anything substantive for us to try to deal with or not, so we never pursued it," Coelho said. "We never had any documents given to us. That would have been something different. We would have had to check it out."

We weren't duped. Al Gore, Inventor of the internet say the superscript right away!!! But we won't admit to seeing documents. We don't want to pile on Dan Rather...

Posted by: BigEd 2004-09-21