
DNC Chair Encourages Dems to Invite Muslims to State of the Union to Rebuke Trump
[MEDIAITE] The head of the Democratic National Committee is encouraging party members in Congress to invite Muslim-Americans to President B.O.'s State of the Union next month as a rebuke to Donald Trump.

And no, based on Politico's reporting, they don't specifically say it's a rebuke to Trump himself, but it's pretty strongly implied in some of the language they use.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
...Congresswoman from Florida, the abrasive chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. She has been a politician since 1992, and prior to that was in training as a political science major. Her primary accomplishment seems to be that she's Jewish...
and Congressman Keith Ellison (one of two Muslims in Congress) wrote a joint letter to House Democrats saying that inviting Muslims to the State of the Union sends a message that "we will not be intimidated by fear into discrimination."

They say, "There could be no stronger expression of support for our American values than sending this message of solidarity through the extension of this invitation."
I think this is a grand idea. I'd be sure to identify each and every Dem in the House that does this, and send pics of that Dem and their 'guests' to all their constituents. You know, just like pols do to advertise what swell guys they are.

Posted by: Fred 2015-12-16