
If you're a glutton for punishment...
Dr. Steve, Emily and I had dinner last night, and ended up closing the restaurant. If they hadn't closed down, we might still be there chatting.

One of the things we discussed was the way the front page closes up when the comment count goes over over 300. I do that to cut page load times, which for a dialup connection can be horrendous when loading 100 articles and 500 comments, all of which have to be retrieved and sorted.

But some people have fast connections and they're data gluttons, and we confess that we look at everything at once on the editors' page. So I've put a link to the PHP version I've been toying with for the past couple months on the front page. It'll give you all the articles — WoT and non-WoT — and all the comments, but for the current day only. It's laid out bass-ackwards from the .asp page, and articles continue on Page 49, but other than that it works approximately the same as the .asp version. Keep in mind that it's still full of bugs, because I've been busy with other stuff, but use it if you want. One of the bugs is that when you comment, it'll take you back to the .asp version. The server should handle the load, and if it doesn't, I'll let you know before taking it down.

Another thing we talked about was an editorial page. I think I'm going to build that as a second page — I've got a site I started for someone who backed out of the deal that I can rearrange and drop in. It'll have its own comments and such. Should be ready in a week or so, if I don't get sidetracked into something else.
Posted by: Fred 2004-09-22