
Bowe Bergdahl Reveals in New Podcast That Taliban Wanted to Know if Obama Is 'Gay'
[THEBLAZE] In the latest episode of the popular podcast "Serial," Bowe Bergdahl revealed the quirky details of his captivity with the Taliban, including two attempted escapes.

While imprisoned, Bergdahl said it was a "high honor" among the guards to watch over him. To pass the time, Bergdahl said the guards would make videos of him, staging fake interrogations consisting of ridiculous questions, while shaving his beard into amusing shapes.

One time, Bergdahl said the guards even asked him if President Barack Obama
We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us...
is "gay."

"They ask you, 'Is Obama gay and sleeps with men?'" he recalled.

Other questions Bergdahl received from his young guards included inquiries about how U.S. military members got their hookers, alcohol and drugs. He said they were also obsessed with American soft drinks -- especially Mountain Dew.

"They love Mountain Dew," he said. "If you want to piss people off in that country, all you do is cut off their sugar supply."

Bergdahl said his first opportunity to escape came shortly after his capture. While his captors were distracted by a water delivery, Bergdahl said he was able to release himself from his restraints. He ran barefoot on rocks before climbing onto a roof and covering himself with mud in an attempt to hide himself. He said he was only free for 15 minutes before the guards caught up with him and beat him with a rubber hose.

The second attempt was more thought out, practiced and successful.

After collecting a few items -- an 8-inch piece of PVC pipe, a key, an empty soda bottle, a nail and a wooden slat -- Bergdahl climbed from his second-story cell using a makeshift rope from his bedding and restraints. But just a few hours into his escape, he fell from a cliff, badly injuring himself. Unable to walk, he said he crawled out of the mountains and made a makeshift shelter out of sticks. He stayed at the shelter for more than a week, eating grass and drinking unclean water to survive.

He was captured eight days later.

"That escape was the last time I saw stars since until the night Special Forces picked me up," Bergdahl concluded.

Posted by: Fred 2015-12-26