
Italian Hostages Killed?
Two Islamic groups in Iraq claim to have murdered two Italian women kidnapped in Baghdad last week. In the first instance, a group called the Jihad Organisation said it had "slaughtered" aid workers Simona Pari and Simona Torretta, both 29. Another group, Supporters of al-Zawahri, then claimed to have killed the pair. The duo had been working for an Italian charity called Un Ponte Per on water projects and building schools. The charity released a video showing the pair working and saying they had helped thousands of Iraqi children in a bid to secure their release. In an internet statement the the Jihad Organisation said the pair were killed after Italy failed to pull its 3,000 troops out of Iraq. There was no word on two Iraqi aid workers - a man and a woman - who were kidnapped at the same time. [snip]
Possibly another 'brave' blow by The Soldiers of Islam® on behalf of the Religion of Peace©
Posted by: Howard UK 2004-09-23