
Rubio backs call for constitutional convention to balance budget, impose term limits
Constitutional Convention = Moar rules and laws for the elites to ignore or twist to their advantage.
[WASHINGTONTIMES] Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a top contender for the Republican presidential nomination, has come out in favor of the idea of a convention of states to amend the U.S. Constitution, adding a high-profile voice to an issue that has picked up renewed interest in some conservative circles.

Mr. Rubio said a convention, which would the first in the nation's history, was needed to rein in the power of Washington insiders and get the nation's finances in order.

"One of the things I'm going to do on my first day in office: I will announce that I am a supporter, and as president I will put the weight of the presidency behind a constitutional convention of the states so we can pass term limits on members of Congress and the Supreme Court and so we can pass a balanced budget amendment," Mr. Rubio said in Iowa.

In the past, Mr. Rubio has acknowledged the concerns of some critics who say such a call for a convention could go in unpredictable directions, opening up the possibility of far-reaching proposals to overhaul the Constitution.

Posted by: Fred 2015-12-31