
Black professor chastises white Americans: 'Admit to the racist poison inside of you'
[WASHINGTONTIMES] An Emory University professor has penned an open letter to white Americans asking them to admit to "the racist poison" inside of them that's to blame for a long history of black suffering.
How do you say "bite my ass" in Ebonics?
In "Dear White America," published by The New York Times
...which still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer prize...
, philosophy professor George Yancy called his letter "a gift" to white people.
Silence would be a better gift. Even better would be elementary good manners.
"Bear in mind, though, that some gifts can be heavy to bear. You don't have to accept it; there is no obligation," he wrote.
Good. I'll continue to ignore you.
"I give it freely, believing that many of you will throw the gift back in my face, saying that I wrongly accuse you, that I am too sensitive, that I'm a race hustler, and that I blame white people (you) for everything."
Pretty much covers it. You know: White people be like dat. Most of the time we don't even think about race and I know that really ties this kinda dipshit's crank in knots. I like to help the process along by ignoring them.
"So, as you read this letter, take a deep breath," he continued. "Make a space for my voice in the deepest part of your psyche. Try to listen, to practice being silent. There are times when you must quiet your own voice to hear from or about those who suffer in ways that you do not."
There are times we must quiet our own voices and accept the judgment of our betters. This isn't one of them.
To support his argument that all white people are racist, Mr. Yancy started off by admitting that he is a sexist for perpetuating sexism "every day of my life. "
In that case, bite some lady's ass. New York Times continues to print this sort of philosophical jerkoff. I continue to ignore them.
Posted by: Fred 2015-12-31