
Dispute over dead parrots to end in court
OSLO - A dispute over four dead parrots will end in a Norwegian court next month. The owner of the birds wants $3,644 compensation after they drowned in 1999 when a ferry sank off west Norway, killing 16 people. The insurance company has offered $216. "Some people will think the loss of a few parrots is trivial compared to the big tragedy. But for me it's become a matter of principle," the 55-year-old man told the west Norwegian daily Bergensavisen. "It's bad to treat birds like packages in the post." The birds had been in a cage on the way to a vet in the port city of Bergen when the ferry hit rocks and sank. The man is due to go to court in Bergen on October 20 against ferry company HSD and insurer Skuld.
They're not pinin'! They've passed on! These parrots are no more! They've ceased to be! They've expired and gone to meet their maker! They're stiffs! Bereft of life, they rest in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'em to the perch they'd be pushing up the daisies! Their metabolic processes are now 'istory! They're off the twig! They've kicked the bucket, they've shuffled off their mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! Uf da! THESE ARE EX-PARROTS!!
Posted by: Zenster 2004-09-24