
US in need of political revolution since 1950s: Analyst
[Iran Press TV] The United States has needed a political revolution since the 1950s when the administration of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower began to conduct covert operations around the world, says a political analyst.

Rodney Martin, a former US congressional staffer
, made the comments in an interview with Press TV on Monday when asked about the necessity of a political revolution in the US as was suggested by Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders
...The only openly Socialist member of the U.S. Senate. Sanders was Representative-for-Life from Vermont until moving to the Senate for the rest of his life in 2006, assuming the seat vacated by Jim Jeffords...

"Senator Sanders' statement that America needs a political revolution is true, interestingly, I would say that America has needed a political revolution since 1963 when president (John F.) Kennedy was assassinated, probably even before that, going back to the Eisenhower administration when the American made a policy decision to engage in covert operations around the globe and to undermine the will of their citizens," Martin said.

"Senator Sanders' statements are courageous and admirable and they're true; they are truth. The problem is the truth has never resonated in the American electorate; it's never triumphed," he added.

Martin said that the US government represents "the global interests of international banking and of huge conglomerates and most importantly (of) Jewish Zionist' interests."

Posted by: Fred 2016-01-19