
Are you ready for the return of Anthony Weiner?
... sometimes described as America's Blond Eminence and at other times as Mrs. Bill, never as Another Jeremiah S. Black ...
's campaign vice chair and confidante, Huma Abedin, is at the center of a new documentary on her husband Anthony Carlos Danger Weiner
...aka Hot Dog Tony, the remarkably offensive sex maniac six-term New York congressman who resigned in 2011, then decided everybody had forgotten by 2013, when he decided to run for mayor of New York City...
's failed New York City mayoral campaign, potentially adding to the woes of the beleaguered Clinton presidential run.

As reported by the New York Times
...which still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer prize...
and highlighted on The Drudge Report, the movie Weiner will premier at the Sundance Film Festival this weekend, in theaters in May and on television in October, at the height of the campaign season. As The Times observes, "'Weiner' has become a source of heightened anxiety for Ms. Abedin and the Clinton campaign."

The movie project was originally intended to document Mr. Weiner's "spectacular political comeback," but as the New York Times columnist dryly notes, "[t]hings did not go quite according to plan."

The film instead focuses on "the implosion of Mr. Weiner's mayoral campaign and a wrenching inside account of the couple's interactions in the aftermath of his second explicit texting scandal."

Benghazi, Hillary's emails, and Bill's behavior, not to mention Hillary's robotic campaign personality, would be enough to sink many ordinary campaigns. As the Times continues:

But none of those controversies are as deeply personal or as potentially distracting to Mrs. Clinton's presidential campaign as the visceral film.

The Times notes that "Mrs. Clinton does not appear in the film ... but her presence is frequently felt." The column notes one scene in which Huma is pressured "to choose between remaining a Clinton insider and supporting her husband."
Posted by: Fred 2016-01-21