
Our solar system has an unseen child, new study suggests
[Iran Press TV] Scientists say they have almost discovered the ninth planet of the Solar System, a Neptune-sized world orbiting in an extremely elongated elliptical trajectory in far reaches of our Sun.
Ahah. Yes. I've almost lost sixty pounds, too.
In an article published in the Astronomical Journal on Wednesday, planetary scientists Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown from the Caliphornia, an impregnable bastion of the Democratic Party, Institute of Technology (Caltech) announced that though the Planet Nine still has not been observed directly, strong evidence based on mathematical modeling and computer simulations clearly suggest that it really exists far beyond the dwarf planet Pluto.
That was how they discovered Pluto, wasn't it? Was the math off that much?
According to the findings, the new family member has a mass of about ten times that of the Earth, orbits about 20 times farther from the Sun than Neptune (which revolves round the Sun at an average distance of about 4.5 billion kilometers (2.8 billion miles)), and takes between 10,000 and 20,000 Earthly years to circle our star.
So just wait a while. It'll come around.
Posted by: Fred 2016-01-21