
Remember That Drunk Dr. Hoochie Who Tried To Hijack An Uber? Yeah, Well, Her Life Is Basically Ruined
[BARSTOOLSPORTS] The woman has been identified as 30-year-old Dr. Anjali Ramkissoon, a fourth-year neurology resident employed by Jackson Health System.
aka Doctor Dipsy Doodle...
A post from the hospital citing Ramkissoon’s excellent levels of care for epilepsy patients has since been deleted.
Oh, really? It turned out not to be excellent?
On review sites like Healthgrades.com and Vitals.com, listings for Ramkissoon as a doctor have been flooded with one-star reviews.
But only since she turned into a harridan when she got drunk and disorderly?
Ramkissoon’s Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram accounts have also all been taken down in response to the backlash.
So she can't go to Facebook and post something like "Jeezus Gawd, I was so sloshed I acted like a complete fooking idiot and I'm humiliated to the tips of my overpainted toe nails. I never want to show my face in public again but I gotta because I'm a neurologist in real life and the world needs neurologists and I'm a lot better at that than drinking."
Her employer Jackson Health System has also just released the following statement:
"Ahem!Harrumph! Harrumph!"
“Anjali Ramkissoon, a fourth-year neurology resident employed by Jackson Health System, has been placed on administrative leave, effective immediately, and removed from all clinical duties.
Afraid she's gonna show up drunk, are you? Does she do that often?
Jackson has launched an internal investigation.
That sounds like it should involve barium...
The outcome of the investigation will determine if any disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination.”
My guess is that it will, unless short attention span syndrome cuts in, which in the case of an obscure bottom of the totem pole Bitch M.D. it likely won't.
I’m not saying she deserved what was inevitably coming to her.
I suppose giving an institution a bad name is a reason to fire a person, which was why Bill Clinton was forced from office... Oh. Wait. Never mind.
She’s a cunt, plain and simple.
Fixed smile, next thing to an asshole...
She needs some sort of slap on the tits to get her back to reality.
You'd think by her fourth year of residency she'd have spit out the pacifier and stopped having temper tantrums on the floor of Walmart.
However, does anybody else think ruining her entire life may be just a tad too much?
People like Doctor Hootchie have their public temper tantrums because they're convinced they're ever so important, much more important than common folk like, say, Uber drivers.
Internet justice is RUTHLESS. It’s like the lynch mobs of the ol’ west. There is absolutely no mercy taken until somebody is hung from the gallows and shits their britches.
The fact is, the child was bright enough to get into medical school, competent enough to make it through an internship, and a good enough resident to get written up for her work with epileptics. Other than the spoon in the mouth thing I have no idea what to do with a grand mal. I doubt most of the lynch mob does, too. Or either. I'm not sure which goes there.
Sure, she gets all the public shaming in the world for being such a bitch.
When I was in grade school it woulda just been the pants pulled down on the playground. But judging from the Film at 11, she hadn't found somebody to pull her pants down, which was why she was grouchy.
But maybe think about not terminating her job as a potential neurosurgeon?
There's a difference between the "gist" and the "surgeon," but the principle's the same: swatting a fly with a mallet.
I have zero idea if she’s a good brain person thingy, but what I do know is America could use all the best doctors we can get.
Students tend to act stoopid like Doctor Hootchie did. Skilled medical professionals don't -- in public. It's kinda like the good old days, when the military had officers' and NCO clubs. Officers could and did get puke-in-the-gutter drunk and goose each other's wives without doing so in front of the enlisted men. NCOs could get puke-in-the-gutter drunk and do stoopid things without feeling the hairy eyeball of Officerdom on them the next morning. Now they have Community Clubs, mingling everybody from Private Last Class to General, and departing from the straight and narrow is a career terminator.
If she is decent with the noggin’, maybe she shouldn’t lose the 8+ years she’s already put into Medical School. I know she can fall back on her looks, but the world has enough Hooters girls.
Most of whom look alike...
Not that I have a compelling need to stand up for my profession, but I think the world's reaction to Dr. Ramkissoon is just a little over the top. Her behavior was akin to a spectacular car wreck -- you know you shouldn't watch but you will. Dr. R. did a flaming pyro one-car into a concrete abutment, then a tree, then a lamppost, then a deer, then another abutment style wreck. You'd think she was a Ho'wood actress or something.

Ok, we all looked. Now what?

If we shit-canned every resident who at one single point in life acted like an asshole I wouldn't be a doctor today. Just saying.

So how about we let her make a dignified public apology and let her program director put her on quiet probation the rest of the way through her training? And stop looking. Unless she wrecks again.

Posted by: Fred 2016-01-25