
The Clinton Curse returns
[Wash Times] In the many decades I have had the pleasure of covering the Clintons I have developed several themes about them that have over the years been validated by fact. One theme is that there is a Clinton Curse.

It afflicts many who come into contact with the fabulous couple. In the early days, the Curse brought down the McDougals, Webb Hubbell, Vince Foster and former Gov. Jim Guy Tucker, all of them by now figures known only to history. More recently it was Jeffrey Epstein, the child molester and Bill's pal and fellow epicurean. Now quite possibly, Josh Earnest, press secretary to President Obama, will be added to the list along with Hillary's aides, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Bryan Pagliano and Jake Sullivan. Possibly even David Brock will suffer the Clinton Curse. The Clintons are a couple to be avoided. Even the Democratic Party might not be spared come Election Day 2016.

Of course, the Clintons often turn to their favor circumstances that might spell doom to others. Consider the present imbroglio involving Hillary, her mysterious personal server, the FBI, and the aforementioned Clintonistas: Ms. Abedin, Ms. Mills, Mr. Pagliano and Mr. Sullivan. Many people whom I talk to tell me the FBI's interest in that personal server is ominous for Hillary, a matter I wrote about in this column three weeks ago. Yet this imbroglio when viewed from the Clintons' perspective might actually be helping them in their quest for the presidency.

The FBI's investigation is finding so much additional evidence of wrongdoing by the Clintons and their Clintonistas that the copious evidence is actually impeding the bureau from recommending indictments. No sooner does the bureau think it has wrapped up one set of indictments than it trips across another category of malfeasance. For instance, it seems that the FBI has now found the Clintons to have co-mingled their foundation's interests with Hillary's State Department work, and then there is her campaign fundraising, Bill's exorbitant lecture fees, and -- who knows -- the needs of the Clinton Library. If Hillary and Bill are lucky, the FBI investigations will be mired in new evidence for months to come.
Posted by: Besoeker 2016-02-06