
Sudan Reportedly Hiding Arab Fighters in Southern Sudan
Under international pressure to disarm and disband Arab militias in troubled Darfur, Sudan's government is instead reportedly moving hundreds, possibly thousands, of the fighters from Darfur to remote areas of southern Sudan. Some observers say the government is trying to hide the militiamen. That's according to numerous sources from the remote Shilluk Kingdom and Nuba Mountain regions of southern Sudan. Aid workers and officials from the southern rebel group, the Sudanese People's Liberation Army, or SPLA, say they have seen as many as 600 Arab fighters being transported by government trucks near the town of Malakal, south of the Nuba Mountains. SPLA commander Lam Akol said at least 200 Janjaweed fighters were transported from Malakal south along the White Nile to the town of New Fanjak -- which is now called, Fam -- and then eventually to Nasir town, near the Ethiopian border. That was about two weeks ago. "I was in the area -- I just came on Friday -- and eyewitness reports from within Malakal itself have confirmed that janjaweed were brought into Malakal town and taken to New Fanjak and Nasir. And, of course, the purpose would be to hide them from international eyes into what is supposed to be a very far-flung area of Sudan," he says.

Dirdeiry Ahmed, the deputy ambassador to the Sudan Embassy in Nairobi, denied the reports. He says they are part of an effort by the SPLA and other groups to discredit the Sudanese government in the eyes of the international community, thus weakening their position in the final round of peace talks with the SPLA next week in Kenya. "This is (a) figment of someone's imagination. Luckily, we're having two international bodies monitoring the Nuba Mountains and the Shilluk Kingdom. We're having the VMT there at the Shilluk Kingdom and the JMC, the Joint Military Commission there in the Nuba Mountains. And definitely they are the right bodies to review the allegations. Nothing like this is happening. They are just rumors. They are definitely being touted by some people who just want to make use of what is happening in Darfur and to create more complications for the government of Sudan," he says. The VMT that Mr. Ahmed mentions refers to the Verification Monitoring Team, the monitoring arm of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development which is overseeing the peace process. A spokesman for the VMT said they have not investigated, nor have they been asked to investigate, whether the reports are true. The JMC also has not investigated these latest reports of janjaweed movements in southern Sudan.
Then exactly what are you doing there, besides collecting per diem?

Posted by: Steve 2004-09-28