
Weapons inspectors getting sensitivity training...
Hans Blix is hoping for a better reception from Saddam Hussein than that accorded to his ill-fated predecessors at UNSCOM (United Nations Special Commission). Blix, executive chairman of UNMOVIC (UN Monitoring and Verification and Inspection Commission), is providing his team of 230 weapons inspectors with lessons on Iraqi history and culture in advance of what he hopes are renewed weapons inspections in the near future. Blix, who has increased the nationalities represented by his team threefold, to 44, is also stressing proper on-the-job behavior to his staff, noting that negotiations between Iraq and UNSCOM hit rock bottom when weapons inspectors and Iraqi officials sparred over access to presidential sites. UNSCOM left Iraq in 1998. “The more intrusive inspections you have, the more important it is that inspectors behave correctly,” he told the Middle East Forum on Friday. “That’s the way we want our police to behave – effective but correct.”
Y'know, if you indulge in too much sensitivity training you'll grow hair on your palms. Or go blind.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-12