
SF Chroinicle Bitch-Slaps Kerry and the Dems
Beautiful! Severely EFL

NEVER IN MY LIFETIME has a presidential campaign tried to get a candidate elected by insulting America's best allies, even as they are putting their sons' lives on the line. That's exactly what Sen. John Kerry has been doing for months now. And, as he has slid in the polls, Kerry's band of spinners has ratcheted up its ally bashing.

Interim Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi came to Washington last week to assure Congress that progress in Iraq is real, and that elections will occur as scheduled. So the reaction of Kerry campaign honcho Joe Lockhart? "The last thing you want to be seen as is a puppet of the United States, and you can almost see the hand beneath the shirt today moving the lips," he said.
U.S. Gen. David Petraeus, who is training Iraqi forces, wrote in the Washington Post this weekend that "more than 700 Iraqi force members have been killed and hundreds of Iraqis seeking to volunteer for the police and the military have been killed as well." I'm curious.

Are those 700-plus Iraqis puppets, too?
To the Dems? Well, yeah.

"I understand how to bring those countries back to our side," Kerry has said of the countries that did not join the coalition. His formula must be: Dismiss the British, Aussies, Poles and Italians -- for gun-shy France and Germany? Au contraire, all Kerry has done is shown that he is a foreign-policy swell who hardly notices the blood spilled by America's true friends.

Asked whether it was appropriate for Kerry/Edwards to undermine Allawi, Sen. Ted Kennedy told CBS' "Face the Nation," that it was more than appropriate: "I think absolutely. I mean, it was Thomas Jefferson who said that dissent is the essential aspect of patriotism."

This clown must be drunk 110% of the time. Nobody sober could say something so blindingly stupid.

They could say they think the war was wrong, and leave it at that. But Kerry voted to authorize the war in Iraq. So his aides invent distinctions that make war harder for America's real allies, they make excuses for America's fair-weather friends, they advocate cutting and running from a war that has already cost more than 1,000 American lives, even though they are so smart they must be aware that a precipitous exit would make America less secure. They make it harder for Iraqis, Americans and U.S. allies to win the war. Then they call themselves patriots.

They are patriots. Just not for America.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut 2004-09-29