
Yasser sez al-Aqsa's a jobs program. Really.
Arafat seemed astonished that the group would even be involved in militant violence. "Al Aqsa Brigade is engaged in terrorism? Give me one, one example." His funding of Al Aqsa and other such groups should be compared to the U.S. government's welfare program, he said. Many of the group members lost jobs in Israel when hostilities heightened and live in poverty, he said. "I am proud I am giving help for those who have lost their work in Israel," Arafat said. "If I am giving money, I am proud of it."
If you can't believe General Yasser Arafat, who in the world can you believe? And being a crazed killer is a perfectly honorable profession in some cultures.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-12