
Trudeau Drops Campaign Promises and Goes All In With Deficits
[BLOOMBERG] In for a penny, in for a pound.

With falling oil prices eroding Canada's revenue base, newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is fully embracing deficits, with his finance minister hinting Monday the country will run a deficit of about C$30 billion ($22 billion) in the fiscal year that starts April 1.

It's one of the biggest fiscal swings in the country's history that, in just four months since the Oct. 19 election, has cut loose all the fiscal anchors Trudeau pledged to abide by even as he runs deficits. The government's bet is that appetite for more infrastructure spending and a post-election political honeymoon will trump criticism over borrowing and unmet campaign promises.

"It looks like the Liberals want to front load as much bad news as possible in the hope when the election occurs in four years things will be better," said Nik Nanos, an Ottawa-based pollster with Nanos Research Group.

Posted by: Fred 2016-02-24