
Germany calls on EU to help Greece, urges Athens to protect border
[TODAYSZAMAN] A front man for German Chancellor Angela Merkel
...current chancellor of Germany. She was educated in East Germany when is was still run by commies, but in 1989 got involved with the growing democracy movement when the Berlin Wall fell. Merkel is sometimes referred to by Germans as Mom...
said on Wednesday that EU states should not leave Greece alone to deal with an influx of migrants colonists and refugees, but also urged Athens to do its part by protecting its border effectively.

"Greece should not be left alone in the situation in which it finds itself," Steffen Seibert told a regular government news conference.

"At the same time, Greece must ... protect its borders effectively and also push ahead with the construction of functioning hotspots and sufficient accommodation capacities," he added.

Elsewhere, Macedonia intermittently opened its border with Greece to a tiny trickle of Syrian and Iraqi refugees Wednesday, leaving about 10,000 more people camped on the Greek side, with more arriving daily.

The border bottleneck has left at least 25,000 people stranded in Greece, the first European country that migrants colonists reach in smuggling boats from The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
. As the prosperous but divided continent flails in search of a workable solution, individual countries led by Austria have imposed immigration caps that have caused a domino effect down the Balkan immigration corridor, which has been traversed by a million people over the past year.

Greek police say Macedonian police opened the Idomeni crossing at midnight Tuesday and 7 a.m. on Wednesday, each time for two hours. They admitted a total of 170 people from Syria and Iraq -- the only nationalities allowed to continue north.

Posted by: Fred 2016-03-03