
Syrian MiG-21 shot down over Hama
First combat aircraft loss by the Syrian Army since the start of 2016.

Machine translated from Russian language

The pilot of the MiG-21US military-air forces of Syria died after having been shot down in the province of Hama, a second pilot ejected safely. Refined data, as reported by RIA Novosti news agency Sputnik gave a Syrian military source.

According to him, after a Syrian Air Force plane was shot down, one pilot ejected and landed in the village of al-Maguire, which is controlled by the army. "The co-pilot attempted an emergency landing at a military airfield Ham. The landing was unsuccessful, and the pilot was killed ", - he added.

Earlier, a source in the Syrian army reported that insurgents shot down a MiG-21 near the airport in the province of Hama and killed the pilot during the descent by parachute. The MiG-21US modification takes two pilots - in contrast to the base aircraft model, which is being piloted by one pilot.
Foto stills at Boris Rozhin's Live Journal account

Video, allegedly of the shoot down

Posted by: badanov 2016-03-13