
EPA Air Pollution Rules Slackened (?) Lawsuit Ensues
Groups opposed to the state's $1.2 billion expansion of Interstate 70 in northeast Denver have joined the Sierra Club in a federal lawsuit to attempt to scuttle the project.

The suit challenges new EPA Clean Air Act requirements. The Colorado Department of Transportation are using those new standards to claim that increased emissions from traffic on the expanded I-70 would not violate national air quality standards, according to the suit.
So the NEW standard allows a big construction project, but the OLD standard would not?
Under the EPA's earlier Clean Air Act, the I-70 project could not qualify for federal funds because it would cause particulate pollution to violate the air standards on high pollution days, say opponents. Under the new guidelines, multiple high pollution days would not be counted against the standard, allowing the project to get federal funds.

The Sierra Club, Citizens for Greater Denver, Elyria and Swansea Neighborhood Association and the Cross Community Coalition are listed as plaintiffs. The EPA and its administrator, Gina McCarthy, are listed as defendants.
So improve the I-70 connections to the city streets, and give really long green lights to the parallel streets, so the locals can enjoy the fruits of their opposition.
I suggest a plethora of traffic lights and red-light cameras all around the homes and neighborhoods of the Sierra Club leadership...

Posted by: Bobby 2016-03-18