
Gaza: US blamed
But natch. Who else?
Hamas' representative in Lebanon, Osama Hamdan, said the massacres committed in Gaza were carried out with American consent. "It is obvious that these massacres couldn't have happened without an American political cover or through American pressure on the members of the UN not to condemn the Israeli actions," he told Aljazeera.net "With the US now committing crimes in Iraq and before that in Afghanistan, this reveals that the American mentality and style is similar to the Israeli one. The US can't criticise Israel because it will be criticising itself." John Greshman, co-director of the US-based Foreign Policy in Focus thinktank, attributed US reluctance to be more condemnatory of Israel on the large number of pro-Likud supporters within the Bush administration compared with former administrations "Many of them see Israeli interests and US national security interests as aligned," Greshman said.
Or maybe we just don't care. Or maybe, taking casualties daily in an Iraq "intifadeh," that's the reason we don't care. A dead terr is a dead terr, and live terrs love to surround themselves with non-combatants. We're on to the trick. It only happens so many times before the sympathy's all used up. Having terrs take a school full of kiddies hostage only hastened the process.

Posted by: Fred 2004-10-03