
Intelwire: Al-Zawahiri Captured?
From IntelWire, an article by J. M. Berger
The latest audiotape communique from Ayman Al-Zawahiri contained a new element that caught the attention of many analysts -- a reference to his possible death or imprisonment. According to a CNN translation, Zawahiri said:

Oh, young men of Islam, here is our message to you. If we are killed or captured, you should carry on the fight.

The reference is interesting in the context of the past week. The Jerusalem Post reported last week that the top-level al Qaeda leader had been captured in Pakistan. In itself, an unconfirmed report of Zawahiri's capture is not especially notable. There have been dozens of similar reports since September 11. But the reference to capture in the new audiotape could be suggestive. The audio message contained no clues about when it was recorded ....
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-10-05