
Black History Professor Imagines A World Without Whiteness [VIDEO]
In which Fred takes on this article from a few days ago.
[DAILYCALLER] James Harrison, history professor at Portland Community College, said in a lecture Monday for the college’s April Whiteness History Month that peace in the U.S. is impossible so long as whiteness still exists.
Several things dippy about the first para. He's a "professor of history" at a community college? What are his actual qualifications? History or Black History? Does the "professor" have a Ph.D. from other than a Prestigious Unaccredited University?
Bachelor from Hunter College, taught high school for a while before moving up to community college, now is a department chair. One article in my google search referred to him as Dr. Harrison, but that one only mentioned the Hunter College degree.
In a talk entitled “Imagine A World Without Whiteness,” Harrison declared confidently conflict can only cease once the power structure of whiteness is totally eliminated.
Either that or when the Colored Man is relegated to his rightful place. Both statements carry the same intent in reverse.
“Imagine everyone living life in peace,” Harrison said, building off John Lennon’s famous song “Imagine.”
The crime rate in the United States is much higher than crime rates in Europe, at least they were before Europe was overrun by Moslems. Yet the crime rate among whites is not much different from the crime rate among Europeans. What's that tell you, professor? Or do we still do deductive reasoning?
Deductive reasoning conflicts with critical theory. Guess which one wins...
“And how do we get to that good world is the question — a world without conflict. And to me, my interpretation of these words, is it would be a world, or U.S., without whiteness, in terms of the power structure,” Harrison said, offering his own interpretation of Lennon’s song.
Yeah! Keep the Colorless Folks in their place!
For Harrison, the term whiteness is essentially a social category to which whites belong.
And blacks and Hispanics don't. Except for those light-colored Hispanics. But Asians do.
And a social category, Harrison continued, is a group of people sharing in a common similar attributes, even if they have never actually met.
Like all white folks and all Asians. And light-colored Hispanics. And Jews. They're all white regardless of of what color they are.
“So whiteness, white people, share a whole lot of things, even if they don’t interact, and one thing that they share is whiteness, or white privilege,” Harrison said.
There are places where it doesn't exist. Like Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Uganda. pick a place. Go try it on for size. See how you like it.
Harrison then went on to explain that demolishing whiteness is a matter of a lot of individuals each taking small steps to achieving the objective. “Can there be a world without whiteness, a world in which white privilege doesn’t exist?” Harrison asked his audience.
Are you really, really sure it would be one you wanted to live in?
Posted by: Fred 2016-04-11