
Four killed in Algerian bomb attack
Four people were killed and 14 injured when a bomb exploded at a marketplace in the northeast Algerian town of Tamzalt. Medical sources quoted by the official APS news agency earlier put the death toll at five, with 30 injured. The bomb went off on the weekly market day in the small town in the Bejaia region, about 260 kilometres from Algiers. Three of those killed, a boy aged 10 and two men aged 20 and 60, have been identified. The identity of a fourth person, whose body was torn apart in the explosion, was not yet known. Such attacks are generally blamed on Muslim fundamentalists fighting the secular regime. The attack is the first to deliberately target civilians in a public place in the mainly ethnic Berber Kabylie region since Algeria's civil war began in 1992.
I wonder if that's because the Berbers — who were there before the Arabic speakers — have been dumping Islam in favor of Christianity, which was also there before the Salafists?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-16