
I hate to ask...
It's been awhile since we had a proper Bleg. The beer fund is depleted. There's nothing left in the till to waste on frivolous pursuits like hosting.

If you've got spare change, alms for the poor, or unneeded cash, please kick in.

There's no other site I know of like Rantburg. We've been here every day, rain or shine, sickness or health, terror or taxation, for fifteen years. The archive is there. Feel free to explore. It's the daily open source intel report.

We cover the news that's actually important. Kim Kardashian seldom makes an appearance. Okay, sometimes we have something about Justin Bieber's hair or a giant squid or midget wrestling. But it's not very often.

So the hat's being passed. Please kick in as much or more than you can afford.

Do it for the ChildrenĀ®.
Posted by: Fred 2016-04-20