
Creating ‘safe zones’ in Syria impractical - Obama
US President Barack Obama said Sunday he was not supportive of establishing the so-called safe zones in Syria as it would need a bulk of military contribution, Sputnik reported.

"As a practical matter, sadly, it is very difficult to see how it would operate short of us essentially being willing to militarily take over a chunk of that country," Obama stated at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, broadcast by the TRT World news channel.

The comment comes a day after Merkel urged to create security zones in Syria where displaced people could be guaranteed safety.
Anytime Ms. Merkel wants to commit German military forces to create the security zones she's welcome to do so.
White House spokesperson Josh Earnest said on Friday that securing a safe zone in Syria would be complicated to implement and would not be in line with Washington's national security interests.
And it might create another red line...
In February, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that the administration was considering establishing a safe zone in Syria in the border area with Turkey, but also noted that such a feat would require additional troops and was 'complicated.'
We elect you guys to do the complicated things...
Did someone say 'Buffer or Safe Zone?' UNDOF Zone, the Golan Heights, est around 1973: The buffer zone is about 80 km long, and between 0.5 to 10 km wide, forming an area of 235 km². The zone straddles the Purple Line, separating the Israeli-occupied portion of the Golan Heights and the rest of Syria, where the west line is known as "Alpha", and the east line as "Bravo". The zone also borders the Lebanon Blue Line to the north and forms a border of less than 1 km with Jordan to the south.
Not sure how many refugees you can pack into the Zone but it wouldn't hurt to try...

Posted by: Steve White 2016-04-25