
Dem Chairman Lashes out at 'Those Whackos' on Fox News
Democratic Party Chairman Terry McAuliffe called Fox News anchors "whackos" in a candid speech Friday to a group of Washington University College Democrats. Before launching into a defense of Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign, McAuliffe urged the students to be highly visible in the background of the live television broadcasts taking place on campus. When McAuliffe listed the shows he would be on Friday, including Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes," the students booed. McAuliffe responded, "I love going on Fox, those whackos." The comment drew a round of laughter from the crowd of about 100 students. With only a small media presence in the room, including CNSNews.com, McAuliffe also issued a warning to the students that President Bush would reinstitute the military draft.

The underlying point of McAuliffe's talk was to energize the Washington University students who had spent the last several days preparing for Friday's debate. "Driving over here, all you could see were Kerry-Edwards signs. This is important for me because in Miami, we won the visibility," McAuliffe said. "I was disappointed in Cleveland because on all the shows, it was Bush-Cheney [signs]. We had a great win in Miami, we lost in Cleveland, and we're going to win here in St. Louis." The Washington University campus has an overwhelming population of liberal students, compared to their conservative counterparts. It showed Friday, when each group held rallies near the makeshift television stages for CNN and MSNBC. "I don't care what you've got to do to get those Bush signs out of the way," McAuliffe told the College Democrats. "Do what you have to do."
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-10-09