
Soros to spend $2 million on anti-Bush ads
Billionaire George Soros has upped his ante to defeat President Bush in the coming election, announcing Thursday that he is spending $2 million on newspaper ads nationwide in the last month of the campaign. Soros, who has already pledged $18 million to the anti-Bush groups MoveOn.org and America Coming Together, said he decided to spend the additional money after seeing how effectively the pro-Bush side had vilified Democrat John Kerry during the Republican National Convention and through the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads. "That's what made me change my mind," he said.

Soros' anti-Bush web site was the unintended beneficiary Tuesday night when Vice President Dick Cheney gave viewers of his debate with Democrat John Edwards the wrong Web address. He meant to name FactCheck.org, a University of Pennsylvania site that investigates questionable political claims and which has vindicated Cheney in the matter of his compensation agreement with former employer, Halliburton. Instead, Cheney gave out the address , which is owned by a Cayman Islands company that, because of its political leanings, began forwarding browsers to Soros' site. "I was vaguely amused," Soros said of Cheney's mistake. "I welcome all the people who got a chance to read my message."
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-10-09