
TSA blames you for longer lines at airport security checkpoints
[NBC4I] Facing a growing backlash over extremely long airport security lines, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on Friday asked fliers "to be patient" as the government takes steps to get them onto planes more quickly.

Travelers across the country have endured lengthy lines, some snaking up and down escalators, or through food courts, and into terminal lobbies. At some airports, lines during peak hours have topped 90 minutes. Airlines have reported holding planes at gates to wait for passengers to clear security.

Johnson said the government has a plan to deal with the lines but won’t neglect its duty to stop terrorists.

"Our job is to keep the American people safe," Johnson told news hounds at a news conference. "We’re not going to compromise aviation security in the face of this."

The comments reflect a statement released earlier this week after long lines were reported at Newark, JFK and LaGuardia airport security checkpoints. When asked about those long lines, the TSA essentially blamed you in a blurb, specifically passengers who bring too many carry-on items:

Posted by: Fred 2016-05-17