
Who Are the Real Nazis in America?
* Thugs storm campaign headquarters, intimidating staffers and refusing to leave.

* Campaign signs are vandalized, stolen, and set on fire in front of peoples' homes.

* The word "Nazi" is spray painted on the sidewalk in front of a home, along with swastikas.

* Shots are fired through the window of campaign headquarters.

* An eight-foot swastika is burned into a home's front lawn.
If these incidents sound reminiscent of Nazi Germany or the Ku Klux Klan's early rampages, then you're in for a surprise, because they all took place in modern day America, during the run-up to the 2004 presidential election. And instead of Nazis and the KKK, it's the leftist minions who are the perpetrators this time around. In a classic case of projection, they use swastikas to smear their political adversaries, when it is in fact they who have become today's Nazis.

Like so much of America's leftist "cultural heritage", this Nazi-obsession can be traced back to the 1960s. An Australian relative of mine who arrived in America during the so-called Summer of Love, was shocked to hear people using the term "Nazi" on a daily basis. The government, the police and even parents were labeled "fascists" and "Nazis" by hippie youth rebelling against any and all authority. Years later, not much has changed. Today it's hip on the Left to label Republicans and in particular President Bush "Nazis" at every turn. Bush is routinely compared to Adolph Hitler, most famously in an ad put out by MoveOn.org earlier this year. Hitler mustaches superimposed on Bush photos are popular at anti-war rallies, as are cute little Bush/Hitler dolls. Al Gore's notorious "digital Brown Shirts" comment during a speech at the Georgetown University Law Center implied that the Bush Administration exerted some kind of diabolical control over online journalism. Indeed, such allusions are so widespread that numerous articles and websites have been devoted to chronicling them.
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-10-13