
Syndicate Head: Column Clients Stand By Bill O'Reilly
Despite lurid charges of sexual harassment, Bill O'Reilly hasn't lost a single newspaper client for his column, and the man who heads the syndicate that distributes the column says he stands behind the top-rated host of "The O'Reilly Factor."

"I'm behind him 100 percent," Creators Syndicate President Rick Newcombe told Editor & Publisher (E&P). "I think this is politically motivated. Bill is a lightning rod for criticism because he has strong views and can be very critical of the other side. He's a big target."

Andrea Mackris, an associate producer on O'Reilly's Fox News Channel show, filed a lawsuit accusing O'Reilly of speaking to her against her will about sex, vibrators and more after O'Reilly had filed a lawsuit charging her and her attorneys with extortion.
Speaking to her against her will? I don't think I've ever heard that phrase before...
She quotes O'Reilly as threatening any women who complained about his advances and as saying that Fox News head Roger Ailes would retaliate against enemies of the cable channel.
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-10-14