
Hugh Hewitt on Kerry's Cheap Shot
Kerry's action was churlish and repulsive, and he is rightly paying a very high price for it, as he should. His defenders are attempting to cover for this incredible lapse in taste and are doing no good to themselves in the process. A simple apology from Kerry (and Cahill and Elizabeth Edwards) will quell the controversy, and it is owed.
The low blow was all of a piece with the Dems' approach to this election — the screeching about Bush "lies," the charges of being AWOL from the Texas ANG, the denigration of Bush's intellect and Cheney's honesty, Michael Moore, the union goons, the breakins, who can keep up with it all? And the capper's going to come in 19 days or so, when the dead rise from their graves to vote Democrat. It's dirty campaigning by dirty people.

Posted by: Fred 2004-10-14