
Reasons behind JI's failure listed
Lack of financial resources, no coordination among the religious parties and less exposure among the masses have kept the Jamaat-i-Islami out of power right from its inception till to-date.
It's not the lunacy of their platform or their leaders...
Provincial Amir of JI Prof Mohammad Ibrahim said that politics had become a "game of money" and in this race the JI had failed due to the lack of financial resources. He said that the leaders of political parties spent money during elections and then after coming into power they indulged in plundering of national wealth to recover their "investment".
Kinda been Pakland's problem all along, hasn't it?
About the JI, he said that the party could not allow its members to use money in this manner.
He said, piously...
Talking about another factor behind failure of the JI, Mohammed Ibrahim admitted that their less and limited exposure had equally contributed to their failure. He, however, added that this was the case with all the religious parties.
He realizes that nobody listens to them except each other?
The Jamaat leader said that the party had left the field to two looters, adding that the people had no choice but to select one of them. Prof Ibrahim expressed the hope that this time the religious parties would be able to come up to the expectations of the people in the coming elections and provide people an alternative choice.
"Alternative" isn't synonymous with "good." Only in places like Berkeley and Quetta do they believe such silly things. Upwards of 90 percent of the rubes marks voters in Pakland have historically been smarter that.
He said another factor behind failure of religious parties was internal differences and rivalries which created hurdles in the way of their success. In this connection, he cited the example of accord reached between Nawaz Sharif and the JI, and the JUI alliance with Benazir Bhutto, and added that both the religious parties achieved nothing from their alliances.
If you spend all your time denouncing each other and splitting into factions, that's an indication of how you'd run the government. And if you denounce the Nawaz and Bhutto factions as crooks and then crawl into bed with them, that doesn't indicate a deep attachment to principle on your part, does it?
The JI leader said that to avoid the mistakes of the past, the religious parties had formed Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal, an electoral alliance for the coming elections, adding the religious parties would be successful in getting the support of the masses this time.
To avoid the mistakes of the past they'll make some brand new ones.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-19