
Collapse of Australian democracy turns the refugee tide [Parody. I think.]
EFL. Hat tip: Cracker Barrel Philosopher
HERE is a report from the New York Times:

THE international community is bracing for an influx of political refugees following the collapse of democracy in Australia.
Send 'em to Phwrance!
Last night the UN Security Council was in emergency session on the situation in Australia, where John Howard seized power in a bloodless election on Saturday. The defeat of democracy had been long foreshadowed by the country's artists and intellectuals, as well as by some prominent columnists.
Just like in America.
"For this to happen in one of the world's most stable democracies is a tragedy that must not be allowed to go unchallenged", said UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
Sounds like that weasel.
Mr Howard's election coup occurred without violence. It was brilliantly organised and took the form of more than 7700 mini-coups in so-called "polling places" around the nation.
No wonder the intellectual "elite" are so shocked; the "little people" aren't supposed to have any say-so! What do they know?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut 2004-10-15