
Mourning the mindset
[DAWN] AMJAD Sabri, the 40-year-old scion of the Sabri Qawwal family, is dead; he was murdered. His music was devotional, singing praises of the Prophet (PTUI!) and spreading a message of love and amity. He was acclaimed internationally. Who’d want him dead?

Poignant to a fault, Mustafa Zaidi’s couplet has been rendered a cliché by the killing fields of Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
. Who and why one doesn’t know and will never know. Public outrage will soon taper off as mourning fatigue sets in even deeper.
Posted by: Fred 2016-06-25