
Bug Hunt
As Rantburg slowly returns to normal we will see bugs crop up from time to time. We will also see miscreants and spammers, and all sorts of various bad elements, and for those we request the regulars' help.

At the moment the o-club is open, but only through the main page, and o-club.org name. If you have complaints about anything amiss we request you make note of them there, as they will get our attention first.

If you Facebook you can go to Rantburg's Facebook page or my (badanov's) Facebook page. If you don't want to do that, there is always my gmail account (grurkka).

And as long as I am writing this, no TWIG this week. Too much crap being flung about to gain any sort of perspective on firearms. TWIG will return next week at its regularly scheduled time.
Posted by: badanov 2016-07-09