
World wants Bush out: Kerry
This doesn't violate my rule of not commenting on American politics, because I am commenting on other people commenting on American politics.
DEMOCRATIC presidential hopeful John Kerry today proclaimed that the world wants President George W. Bush out of the White House and the return of the US "they know and love". In a new swipe at Republican Bush's muscular foreign policy, Mr Kerry renewed his pledge to return the US to the internationalism that marked its foreign policy for the second half of the 20th century. "The world is waiting for the United States of America they know and love," Mr Kerry told a late-night rally of at least 5000 supporters in the mid-western state of Wisconsin.
Actually large parts of the world would love to see a column of US troops. Its their corrupt and incompetant governments that don't want to see them.
"But you know the United States of America is most effective ... when we have friends and allies by our side and we move with other nations."
Correct Mr. Kerry!
Mr Kerry told the crowd, braving chilly temperatures and sleet, that their judgement on election day, November 2, would be watched around the globe.
Correct again!
"The world is waiting for what you are going to do. You don't just get to chose the president of the United States, you get to decide the leader of the free world."
Three out three - he's doing well.
Mr Kerry has accused Mr Bush of ruining long-term US alliances with his policy of pre-emptive strikes against potential threats to the US, and with his invasion of Iraq.
From what I can see, it strenghthened the Alliances worth having, UK, Australia, Poland, Japan, etc.
Global opinion polls show that Mr Bush's policies have stirred global resentment and that much of the world would prefer Mr Kerry as the next US president. A collaborative polling exercise involving 10 newspapers around the world, including The Sydney Morning Herald, showed hostility directed not only at the Bush administration but also at the image of the US. The project, initiated by Canada's Quebec-based La Presse newspaper, included France's Le Monde, The Guardian of Britain, Japan's Asahi Shimbun, Russia's Moscow News, Mexico's Reforma, Israel's Haaretz and Spain's El Pais.
Note they are all left of centre.
They found that voters in eight out of the 10 countries - excluding Israel and Russia - want to see Kerry, the Democratic challenger, beat Mr Bush in the election.
Interesting the Russians want Bush. Also interesting SMH - an Australian newspaper - didn't mention the Australian result. I wonder why!
Their findings, the product of identical polls taken in September, also suggested the Bush administration was facing isolation and hostility rarely seen among its closest allies.
Standard Left wing bullshit conclusion. Politics is a process resulting in a poll. Taking polls outside that context is little more than manipulation. The Left made identical arguments about Howard in Asia. Howard won and will be welcomed with open arms next week in Indonesia. Its a big lie. FWIIW, My personal view is, despite the MSM spin Bush will win in a landslide.
Posted by: phil_b 2004-10-16