
UN Peacekeepers Blame Kerry for Haiti "Unrest"
Damned nuanced of you, sKerry.
The commander of the UN peacekeepers in Haiti has linked a recent upsurge in violence there to comments made by the US presidential candidate, John Kerry.
Earlier this year Mr Kerry said that as president he would have sent American troops to protect Jean-Bertrand Aristide who was ousted from power in February. The Brazilian UN general, Augusto Heleno, said Mr Kerry's comments had offered "hope" to Aristide supporters. Much of the recent unrest has centred on areas loyal to Mr Aristide.
Lessee - what other area/supporters does this remind us of? Might that be Iraq/Al-Q?
More than 50 people have died over the past fortnight.
"Fortnight" would be "2 weeks" for us illiterate 'merkin cowboys.
Eight months ago the Bush administration withdrew all support for Mr Aristide and made it clear he should leave Haiti. John Kerry called that "short-sighted" and said he would have sent troops to protect Mr Aristide, who was an elected leader. Now General Heleno, says those comments have offered hope to Aristide's supporters that should Mr Kerry win the US election in November the former Haitian president might be restored to power.
No, really? Ya' think?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut 2004-10-17