
Activist Cornel West goes Green Party, sez Clinton is a
[Wash Times] Activist Cornel West, a Democratic platform committee member, has announced he will vote for the Green Party presidential candidate instead of Democrat Hillary Clinton, calling her a "neo-liberal disaster."

Mr. West’s decision to vote against Ms. Clinton comes even though he participated in drafting the 2016 Democratic National Convention platform after being named to the committee by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

"This November, we need change. Yet we are tied in a choice between [Donald] Trump, who would be a neo-fascist catastrophe, and Clinton, a neo-liberal disaster," said Mr. West in a Thursday op-ed in the (U.K.) Guardian.
Safely distant from where the actual voters are, though in some circles it will be happened across and circulated.
A former Ivy League professor, Mr. West ultimately abstained from casting a final vote on the Democratic platform earlier this month over what he described as the party's "moral failures."

Instead, Mr. West said he would support Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party presidential nominee. The party's nominating convention is scheduled for Aug. 4-7 in Houston.
Posted by: Besoeker 2016-07-16