
Hillary's Cop-Bashing, Past and Present
" a student radical during the Black Panthers era, Hillary Clinton gravitated to the company of anti-cop activists. At Yale, she helped edit a law journal that depicted police officers as racist pigs and ran numerous articles in defense of cop-killers.

During her law school stint, she spent free moments offering assistance to the lawyers for Black Panthers who had killed a federal agent. She "monitored" the Bobby Seale trial in New Haven, hoping to catch the prosecutors out in mistakes that could later trigger an appeal.

She also hobnobbed with the "Radical Chic" social set, going to cocktail parties with the lawyers for the Black Panthers. Through one of those events, she met Robert Treuhaft and Jessica Mitford, two Stalinists from California whom historians have established collaborated with the Soviet Union as members of the American Communist Party. Robert Treuhaft ran a law firm in California, and Hillary spent one of her summers doing a legal internship at his firm in Oakland. Treuhaft thought that she might object to his Red ties. But at the time she didn’t care. In her autobiography, however, she was embarrassed enough about the association to try and minimize her work there: "I spent most of my time working for Mal Burnstein researching, writing legal motions and briefs for a child custody case."

Treuhaft’s firm was notorious not only for its Red associations but also its unapologetic defense of cop-killers. That Hillary would devote a summer to working for such creepy subversives reveals the depth of her radical instincts. It is not hard to imagine her signing off on cartoons in the Yale Review caricaturing cops as pigs conjuring up the foulest racist thoughts as they walked the streets."
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 2016-07-17