
Nice Attacker 'Not Very Intelligent'
Bouhlel, a resident of Nice, was born in Tunisia but had a permit to live and work in France.

A lawyer who previously defended Bouhlel has said that his former client "wasn't very intelligent" and that he "could have been influenced by religion."

Corentin Delobel defended Bouhlel against charges of assault earlier this year. At that time, he said there were no signs that his client was radicalized but regrets that his defense prevented Bouhlel from doing jail time.

"I told myself I did my job," he said. "But if I had done my job badly, he might be in prison, and he may have never done what he did."

The 31-year-old received a suspended six-month prison sentence this year after being convicted of violence with a weapon, authorities said.

Bouhlel, a heavy drinker with a history of spousal abuse against his wife (the couple was in the process of divorcing), was "very much the stereotype of a petty criminal," Delobel told CNN. "There was nothing that would have suggested in reality he was a jihadist."
He probably was thinking that maybe his false god was real, and that he didn't stand a chance of going to heaven unless he joined the jihad and died because of it, thereby short-circuiting the need to live any kind of pious life.
Posted by: gorb 2016-07-18