
Telemundo Reporter Claims It’s Not Crime To Be An Illegal Immigrant
[DAILYCALLER] Telemundo national correspondent Lori Montenegro complained on Friday to an understanding Hillary Clinton
... sometimes described as America's Blond Eminence and at other times as Mrs. Bill, never as Another Henry Kissinger ...
that people who are illegal immigrants colonists are "not criminals" that are deported.

At the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, Montenegro said, "Madam Secretary, you spoke about the deportations, President B.O., some call the ’Deporter-in-Chief,’ you have eluded already your priority will be criminals, how do you walk back the deportations?"

"There are people not criminals that are deported daily from this country," Montenegro said. "How do you walk back the deportations, comply with the law and not inherit the title of ’Deporter-in-Chief,’ and at the same time, all these steps to help mobilize the Latino community to the polls, many who still believe that their vote was taken for granted in 2008 and 2012, and then we have the e-mails from Wikileaks that say that they are the loyalty brand of the party."
Posted by: Fred 2016-08-07