
Muslim Walks Into Woods, Cops Make Alarming Find After Seeing What Emerges
[MadWorldNews] Although people thought he was merely going for a walk in the Kentucky woods, a Muslim's motives turned out to be much more sinister. Unfortunately, the series of events that would later play out would lead to police making quite the alarming find -but that was only after they saw what would emerge from the woods after he left.

Mark Sawaf had what his father, Ali Sawaf, likes to call a "hobby." He liked to build bombs. In fact, his father states that Mark Sawaf has been hunting since he was 7-years-old and that only has gunpowder in his home for that purpose, but he isn't quite telling the truth.

According to reports, Mark Sawaf ‐ an immigrant from Iraq ‐ liked to build bombs and set them up in various places in the woods of Harlan County alongside trail cameras for reasons only known to him. However, things would take a nasty turn as one of his devices went off, seriously injuring a man in what can only be described as an act of terror.

Once police had learned of the injured man emerging from the woods, they immediately arrested Mark Sawaf and took him to the woods to find the rest of his improvised explosive devices (IEDs). However, while there, the terrorist decided to attack officials in a desperate attempt to get away ‐ but his plan would fail miserably.

In the end, Mark Sawaf was shot and killed on the scene as he tried to flee. Although you would think this would be some pretty serious news, there’s really only one reason that you haven't heard anything about it ‐ and that's because he was a Muslim.

Mark Sawaf's father would have you believe that his son wasn't a threat to anyone and simply died on account of police brutality, but this couldn't have been further from the truth. Ali Sawaf initially admitted that his son had built the bombs himself only to later lie, saying his son had been set up.

"In my book, we have terrorists in this country and we call them the police and the federal agents," Ali Sawaf said.

Of course, this has all been swept under the rug as the news doesn't exactly mesh with the leftist agenda. Muslims doing Muslim things doesn't exactly fit the "moderate" Muslim narrative that the left likes to dangerously spew, so they simply don't report on it.

The left can try to make stories like these disappear, but when they finally come to light, it only goes to show the real reasons they're hiding it. There's a fundamental flaw within the religion of Islam, and it's time for people to start realizing it.
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 2016-08-15