
Mika Worries More Hillary Emails Could Cause ‘Epic Implosion' That Would ‘Bring Down Campaign'
[LI] A few days ago in our Quick Hits feature, this Insurrectionist wrote "the server is a Sword of Damocles over Hillary's campaign. Whatever the polls may say, Clinton knows that she is just one disclosure away from disaster." Has Mika Brzezinski heard the hair holding that Sword start to fray? Today's Morning Joe reported on the disclosure that a senior Clinton Foundation official had contacted close Hillary advisers Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills to request, as something "very important," that they set up a contact between a billionaire foreign Foundation donor and the US ambassador to Lebanon.

Reacting, Mika said "as a Clinton supporter, I think the bigger question is, what is going to come out? Could something big come out? Could we have implosion of epic proportions. Could you say that the candidate you support doesn’t have something lurking here that could bring down her campaign?"

Fellow Dem Harold Ford, Jr. tried to console Mika: "I haven't seen any e-mails that suggest that anything would cause it to implode." But Mika's fears were not allayed: "this worries me." Ford begs the question. It's not a question of emails he's already seen: it's those potentially coming down the pike that could sink Clinton.

Note Bill Clinton's weasel word: we never did anything "knowingly" inappropriate. Depends on what the meaning of "inappropriate" is, Bill?

KRISTEN WELKER: State Department emails obtained by a conservative advocacy group [Judicial Watch] raising fresh questions about the relationship between the Clinton family foundation and Secretary Clinton's State Department. One dated 2009. A Clinton Foundation executive emailed Secretary Clinton's top advisors, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, requesting they set up a meeting between a billionaire donor and the US Ambassador to Lebanon. This is very important, he said. Critics have pounced on foreign donations to the foundation, questioning whether that bought donors access to the State Department.

DONALD TRUMP: It's called pay for play.

WELKER: Last year Bill Clinton defended the foundation to Cynthia McFadden.

BILL CLINTON: We have never done anything knowingly inappropriate in terms of taking money to influence any kind of government American policy.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: As a Clinton supporter, I think the bigger question is, what's going to come out? And could something big come out? Could we have some sort of implosion of epic proportions? Is there something lurking there. Can you confidently say that the candidate you support doesn't have something lurking here that could bring down her campaign?

HAROLD FORD, JR.: I haven't seen any emails that suggest that anything would cause it to implode --

MIKA: This worries me.
Posted by: Besoeker 2016-08-16