
Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between HRC and “Diane Reynolds”
Link is to Gateway Pundit - Following paras from Politico:
Chelsea Clinton also had an account on the homemade website domain that Hillary Clinton used exclusively for emails during her time as secretary of state, The New York Times reports. The domain name had a server linked to the family’s Chappaqua, New York, residence. But her real name is absent from the email address.

She used her clintonemail.com account under the cover name pseudonym "Diane Reynolds," which the Times reports she often used when checking into hotels.

Longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin also had a clintonemail.com account, according to the report, an apparent prized symbol of status within Clinton’s vast network of advisers, well-wishers, and hangers-on. According to Philippe Reines, another close Clinton aide and former State Department official, Abedin was the only department official other than the secretary to use a clintonemail.com account.

Clinton tweeted late Wednesday that she wants the public to see emails from the 55,000 pages she handed over to the State Department. Emphasis added.
Politico Link

"Often used when checking into hotels." Sounds innocent enough, but how did she pay the hotel tab...'Diana Reynolds' AMEX or VISA? We'll need a second form of ID please. Oh yes, your New York 'Diana Reynolds' driver's license will be fine. Clandestine email systems - clandestine identification docs, credit cards, and bank accounts as well? Hospital visits? Perhaps we're moving into an entirely new arena of political criminality.
Posted by: Besoeker 2016-08-25