
Yasser thinks having his own state would be dandy, thank you...
Yasser Arafat is considering a new approach to negotiations with Israel — one in which he would seek to establish a Palestinian state first and leave other divisive issues such as the status of refugees for future talks.
Oh, what an original idea. Golly, wonder why nobody else never thunk of it...?
Kadoura Mousa Kadoura, director-general of Mr. Arafat's northern West Bank office and a member of the Palestinian National Assembly, outlined the new approach during a recent visit to Jenin. "Let Israel withdraw, and we shall establish a state on our territory, and then we negotiate over the status of the refugees," Mr. Kadoura said.
Shucks, the Israelis will probably be just overjoyed when they do that...
The approach differs from the Palestinian position at failed Camp David talks nearly two years ago, when Mr. Arafat demanded an all-or-nothing resolution of outstanding issues such as the return of refugees and the status of Jerusalem.
You mean when he had his chance and he blew it?
Speaking alongside portraits of Mr. Arafat and of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in his Jenin headquarters, Mr. Kadoura said the new approach had been endorsed by the Palestinian leader, who has "talked very clearly" about the strategy.
"Talked very clearly?" Yasser? He's been incoherent for the past six months. You sure it was him? Oh, and that's a stunning picture of Sammy, by the way. Just stunning.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-22