
Assange: American Media Helping To Elect ‘Demon’ Hillary Clinton
[INQUISITR] WikiLeaks founder and editor in chief Julian Assange is apparently convinced that the American liberal media is unified in its goal to elect a "demonic" Hillary Clinton
... sometimes described as For a good time at 3 a.m. call Hillary and at other times as Mrs. Bill, never as Another Henry Kissinger ...
as president of the United States.

The controversial Assange made this allegation during a New York Times
...which still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer prize...
interview that was broadcast today on Facebook Live.

He has previously vowed that more emails involving Hillary Clinton would be released into the public domain beyond the thousands that have been posted on the WikiLeaks portal.

Today, Assange also assailed what he called the "neo-McCarthyist hysteria" among the political establishment in blaming Russia for hacked emails in July that proved embarrassing or worse to the Hillary Clinton campaign and a cohort of Democrat insiders to the detriment of former rival Bernie Sanders
...The only openly Socialist member of the U.S. Senate. Sanders was Representative-for-Life from Vermont until moving to the Senate for the rest of his life in 2006, assuming the seat vacated by Jim Jeffords...
Posted by: Fred 2016-09-01