
"I'd like to teach Hamas to sing . . ."
Hamas holds competition to select movement's anthem
By Arnon Regular, Haaretz
EFL; hat tip to Best of the Web
Hamas announced Thursday a competition for composing an official anthem for the movement.
That's because they're just a bunch of swell guys with a song in their hearts.
The deadline for submission of entries is in December. . . .
First prize is a week's vacation in Gaza. Second prize is two weeks' vacation in Gaza.
Hamas activists have also defined the qualifying criteria: the lyrics and refrain should be "patriotic, underscoring the connection to all of Palestine, and the anthem should also be characterized by faith, and belonging to the Islamic movement." . . . The wording should be lofty and yet catchy, and the anthem should also not exceed six stanzas. One of the stanzas must be "cathartic," and have the "natural cadences of a refrain."
It should also have a great beat, and you should be able to dance to it. Use of 80s-style cowbell in the drum track is strongly discouraged.

This is too good an opportunity to pass up. Fellow Rantburgians, submit your original compositions, or suggestions of existing compositions that might be used "off the shelf," in the Comments below.

My suggestion: "Be the Bomb" by Richmond, VA, area punk band Death is Your Language. I've never heard it, and I don't think I wnat to, but it sure sounds like something Hamas could groove to!

Posted by: Mike 2004-10-22