
The Flight 93 Election
[Claremont.org] 2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You--or the leader of your party--may make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are no guarantees.

More to the point, what has conservatism achieved lately? In the last 20 years? The answer--which appears to be "nothing"--might seem to lend credence to the plea that "our ideas haven’t been tried." Except that the same conservatives who generate those ideas are in charge of selling them to the broader public. If their ideas "haven’t been tried," who is ultimately at fault? The whole enterprise of Conservatism, Inc., reeks of failure. Its sole recent and ongoing success is its own self-preservation. Conservative intellectuals never tire of praising "entrepreneurs" and "creative destruction." Dare to fail! they exhort businessmen. Let the market decide! Except, um, not with respect to us. Or is their true market not the political arena, but the fundraising circuit?

Only three questions matter. First, how bad are things really? Second, what do we do right now? Third, what should we do for the long term?
Posted by: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy 2016-09-08